>Introducing 3 CNF Workshoppers!


Another busy week with car selling and buying, house staging (roofers, painters, automatic gate folks) in progress, and continued work organizing the upcoming 2011 Memphis Creative Nonfiction Workshop, September 23-25.

So… in lieu of an original post here today, I’m offering the following links to this week’s guest posts over at the creative nonfiction workshop blog. Even if you’re not a writer, these posts introduce a diverse trio of emerging writers, and I think you’ll enjoy reading them:

Introducing Creative Nonfiction Workshoppers:

Judy Beaird of Memphis

NancyKay Wessman of Jackson, Mississippi

Sheila Vamplin of Memphis

These are just three of the folks registered for the workshop. To be sure and not miss future guest posts, subscribe to the 2011 Memphis Creative Nonfiction Blog and enjoy future postings.

Have a great weekend, everyone!