While in Gulfport visiting friends on Monday, I checked my email on my iPhone just to see if any agents had responded to queries for my novel, Cherry Bomb. Two more rejections came in, but also some hopeful news. An agent who read the first 50 pages last week asked for the full manuscript! Here’s the email:
Dear Susan,
We have now had time to read the first 50 pages of Cherry Bomb. The writing style is exceptional, and we thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Therefore, we kindly request a hard copy of the full manuscript be sent to the address below.
Thank you, and we look forward to reading.
[Agent name]
The writing style is exceptional. Music to my ears. My first response when I read the email was that Saint Mary of Egypt must approve of the book. She is my patron saint, and one of three main characters in the novel. Monday was her Feast Day… the very day the agent requested the manuscript. Holy Mother Mary, pray for me! (I’m up to 75 queries and 27 rejections, so hopeful news like this is cause for celebration.) And thanks to another Goddaughter, Hannah Snowden, for sending me the link to this wonderful Coptic icon of Saint Mary of Egypt on my Name Day!
Mary Thames (age 11) and I celebrated our common Name Day (Mary of Egypt is also her patron saint) by shopping at a bookstore in Gulfport, and later by joining her family on a boat ride through the bayou near their house. We docked at Back Bay restaurant for delicious oysters (the BEST char-grilled ever) and other seafood treats, while we watched sunset on the bayou. Finally we cuddled up against the wind as we road the boat back to the dock near their neighborhood in the cool night air, watching for alligators. Didn’t see any gators, but saw an elegant crane fly over our heads and quite a few fish jumping in the water. Magical time and best Name Day ever! (To add to the celebration, Katherine, Deb and I had lunch at the Half Shell Oyster House in downtown Gulfport. I ate more oysters in two days that I’ve eaten in the last 2 years! And brought some home, along with some fresh lump crabmeat and some Royal Reds.)
So on this “writing Wednesday,” I’m putting the manuscript for Cherry Bomb in the mail to a top notch agent in New York City, and working on final edits for my essay for the Shoe Burnin’ Anthology, which will be published later this year. This is one of those days where I’m loving my job. Thanks for all the encouragement I’m receiving from fellow writers and readers… please keep up the good thoughts and prayers!

Interesting, I was going to reblog this post but I do not see a wordpress reblog button. Did you know there isn’t one?
I’ve never heard of a “reblog” button…. sorry.
I reblogged this. If you go to my page and look at the top you will see “tabs” one saying “reblogged articles” You are at the top. Thanks!