>Back in September I did a post over at “A Good Blog is Hard to Find” called, “Getting Saved, Sex and Writing.” We were supposed to be introducing ourselves to the blog’s readership, and so I wrote a few paragraphs within the post about WHY I WRITE, including a quote from twentieth century American writer and literary critic, Alfred Kazin:
“One writes to make a home for oneself, on paper, in time and in others’ minds.”I was reminded of Kazin’s words this morning when I listened to this powerful song by Lady Antebellum, “I Was Here.” It’s not just for writers, or artists, but for everyone who cares about leaving their mark in this world—about how we will be remembered.
I’ve printed the lyrics, below, but I recommend you watch Lady A’s video, featuring Hillary Scott, here.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
I Was Here lyrics
Songwriters: Burr, Gary S; Scott, Hillary Dawn; Shaw, Victoria;
You will notice me
I’ll be leaving my mark like initials carved
In an old oak tree, you wait and see
Maybe I’ll write like Twain wrote
Maybe I’ll paint like Van Gogh
Cure the common cold, I don’t know
But I’m ready start ’cause I know in my heart
I wanna do something that matters, say something different
Something that sets the whole world on its ear
I wanna do something better with the time I’ve been given
I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life
Leave nothing less than something that says “I was here”
I will prove you wrong
If you think I’m all talk, you’re in for a shock
‘Cause this dream’s too strong and before too long
Maybe I’ll compose symphonies
Maybe I’ll fight for world peace
‘Cause I know it’s my destiny
To leave more than a trace of myself in this place!
I wanna do something that matters, say something different
Something that sets the whole world on its ear
I wanna do something better with the time I’ve been given
I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life
And leave nothing less than something that says, “I was here”
And I know that I, I will do more than just pass through this life
I’ll leave nothing less than something that says “I was here”
I was here
P.S. My guest post that was scheduled to be up at “There Are No Rules” today has been rescheduled for next Friday, February 11, due to Jane’s participation at the AWP Conference (Association of Writers and Writing Programs). She’s had some terrific posts over there this past week, from the Writer’s Digest Conference AND the AWP. Check them out, and subscribe to be sure you don’t miss my post next Friday!
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