One week ago today I had major surgery. Recovery is zapping my energy, so I haven’t been writing very long or creative blog posts. Today I’m hoping you will read the author interview I gave with Allen Mendenhall at Southern Literary Review (CLICK HERE TO READ) and also the review of Friends of the Library written by the prolific short story author Niles Reddick (THAT ONE IS HERE).

Meanwhile I’m spending lots of time reading (watch for more book reviews soon) and also watching TV. My favorite summer shows? Songland is so much fun, and then of course there’s the Women’s World Cup Soccer! (go, USA!) Right on the heels of the College Baseball World Series (yay, Vandy!). And right around the corner it will be time for Wimbledon. I’ve blocked out six weeks for recovery, and my book tour for FRIENDS starts mid August, but hopefully I’ll have enough energy to write something fun for y’all here before long. Thanks so much for staying with me during my web site’s reconstruction . . . and mine!