I just missed my 9 a.m. physical therapy appointment. Somehow I was thinking it was at 9:30 and I was about to get dressed when my husband said, “But I thought your appointment was at 9.” It was. So now I’m too late. They rescheduled me for 1 p.m., but not with my regular therapist, whom I love. What was I doing that distracted me from my schedule today? Musing on what to write for this blog post!
And even after all that, I don’t have an original thought to share with you today. (I’m still grumpy about missing that appointment.) Everyone is writing about Thanksgiving, but we’re skipping it this year (more on that later). But, I’ll round up a few links on the holiday in case you’re really looking for something to read in your spare time. Like you’re not at work, at the grocery store, or in the kitchen preparing for tomorrow’s feast. Anyway, since I’m not really writing on Wednesday, here are a few offerings:
Julie Cantrell, author of Into the Free and When Mountains Move, has written a lovely short story through the eyes of her main character, Millie, which you can read here.
Valerie Strauss has an informative piece on the history of Thanksgiving in The Washington Post today.
Over at the Poetry Foundation, you can read lots of Thanksgiving poems. You can even listen to this one, “Butter,” read by the author, Elizabeth Alexander. (I’m drooling.)
And here are two nice quotes about Thankgiving by famous authors:
“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.” – William Faulkner
“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” -Thornton Wilder
And if you’re really bored, over at Mental Floss you can read about “7 Overlooked Thanksgiving Rituals.”
After all that, I suppose I should share one original thought. Today, I am thankful that I am walking, even if it hurts. And I’m thankful for physical therapy, even though I have to go to a different therapist this afternoon. And for my sweet husband, who is taking me to Ruth’s Chris and a movie on Thanksgiving day so I won’t overdo. I considered inviting some folks for a traditional Thanksgiving meal tomorrow, since our kids can’t be here, but I’m just not up to it, and there’s really no middle ground when it comes to cooking for Thanksgiving, is there?
I look forward to watching the Macy’s parade in my jammies while not cooking in the morning. There might be mimosas involved. And for those of you who think all businesses should be closed tomorrow, I just have to say that I’m thankful there are some options for those of us who just aren’t up to all the big preparations. Without their help, we really would be skipping Thanksgiving this year.