Pulpwood Academy

I have exciting news. I am Author-of-the-Month for April at the Pulpwood Academy! Founded by the original Pulpwood Queen herself, Kathy L. Murphy, and run by the NEW Pulpwood Queen Brooklynn Bradley-Lafleur along with Paul Roberson, Coordinator, and Alex Jenkins, new member coordinator, the Pulpwood Academy is an online Facebook Group.
Author of the Month

I have been chosen as the Author-of-the-Month for April, featuring my short story collection FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY, which is the official April selection for the Pulpwood Queens Book Clubs. It was fun being on a panel for this book at the 2020 Pulpwood Queens Girlfriend Weekend in Jefferson, Texas, this past January. And I’ve spoken at over 25 libraries and a dozen or more bookstores, literary festivals, writing conferences, and book clubs since it was released last August. So what’s happening this week?
Interview TONIGHT at 7 pm CST!

Tonight at 7 pm CST a previously recorded Zoom interview will be posted on the Pulpwood Academy Facebook page. I’ll be on the site to answer questions and respond to comments, so please join us!
Breathless Bubbles & Books!

Friends of the Library has been paired with Breathless Wines’ “Breathless Brut” sparkling wine! ORDER HERE to receive a copy of the book and a bottle of their delicious sparkling wine, Brut Rose – Methode Champenoise.
And I’m hosting the Breathless Bubbles & Books Facebook group all week, posting every day Monday-Saturday, April 6-11. Monday I gave a little background for the book, Friends of the Library, and today, Tuesday, I talked about libraries and Friends groups. April is National Library Month, and April 19-25 is National Library Week, so we’re getting started early! We had a lively discussion with lots of readers and authors joining in.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) through Saturday I’ll feature a different story from the book each day, introducing the eclectic group of wounded and wonderful characters who people the pages of these stories, set in ten small towns in Mississippi.
Support Your Local Bookstores!

During this difficult time for all of us, I hope you are able to “enjoy” some time at home. . . . to READ! For authors who are trying to promote our books, it takes a bit of creativity, since most of our book tours are canceled. Our wonderful indie bookstores are doing their best to fill online orders and many offer curbside service so PLEASE SUPPORT THEM NOW, more than ever!