A classmate of mine from high school just sent me a beautiful card full of comforting words as I grieve my mother’s death. Inside she also shared this poem, which had been read at another classmate’s mother’s funeral in February. It was written by that classmate’s grandmother-in-law, who was Poet Laureate of Mississippi from 1973-1978. It brought healing tears to my eyes, and I hope it blesses all of you today.
To wake, completely freshened,
On Heaven’s vibrant shore—
To see the ones whom I have loved
And lost a while once more!
To leave behind me nothing
But gasping, mortal breath
To gain the life eternal—
Now would you call it—Death!
To trade the mundane sorrow
For everlasting bliss—
The pinpricks of misfortune
For Heaven’s lucent kiss—
To lay aside forever
The suffering and strife—
Now you may call the marvel Death,
Now I would call it—Life!
Louise Moss Montgomery
Poet Laureate of Mississippi 1973-1978
Clarksdale, Mississippi