If you follow my blog, you know that I did a post about “Weeping Icons” back in March. So when Katherine Hyde invited me to contribute a guest post for a series she was introducing on her blog, “God-Haunted Fiction,” I immediately thought of those weeping icons. Katherine has titled the series, “Mysteries in Ordinary Time.” Please click on this link to read my contribution today:

Katherine Hyde is acquisitions editor for Conciliar Press, the print publishing arm of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. She also does freelance editing and book design under the business name Hyde Publishing Services. And she has written and published several books, including Lucia, Saint of Light (children’s book). I met Katherine on Facebook (she lives in California and I’m in Memphis) when she invited me to join the Orthobloggers Facebook Group. I hope to meet her in person one day.
This has been an unusual week for me, with two invitations to contribute guest posts to other blogs (Wednesday’s and today’s). I’ll be back next week with more Mental Health Mondays, Writing on Wednesdays, and Faith on Fridays. Have a great weekend, everyone!