One new article in Women Writers, Women’s Books

I have a short article in Women Writers, Women’s Books: “Six Books in Three Years: An Indie Publishing Journey.” I hope my journey will be encouraging to writers at whatever stage of their publishing journeys, and I will be speaking on this topic on October 19 at the Middle Tennessee State University’s Fall Writing Conference. The article covers:
- How Important is it for an Author to have a Brand?
- Where to Start
- The Pros and Cons of Being an Indie Writer
- Doing What you Love
- One Project Leads to Another
- Back to What you Love
- Another Genre in my Future?
Deep South Magazine’s Fall/Winter List!
I was honored that Friends of the Library made the fall/winter reading list at Deep South Magazine. The 31 books on the list include the 2014 Pulitzer-Prize winning novel by Mississippi author Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch, Mississippi author Larry Brown’s short story collection Tiny Love, the new memoir by my friend Cassandra King Tell Me a Story: My Life with Pat Conroy, which releases October 29, and my friend Johnnie Bernhard’s upcoming novel Sisters of the Undertow, for which I wrote a blurb!
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