Mental Health Monday: On the Other Side of Worry

Worry-CartoonI did a post about a month ago, “Remember What Scarlett Said,” where I shared some of my anxiety about our housing situation. Well, last week the anxiety shot up the charts as the house we’ve been leasing for two years just sold and we were given our 60-day notice.

We have to move by April 15 and have no place to go!

Of course we received this news the day after my husband’s surgery, when he was in quite a bit of pain, which compounded our worries.

We had three houses “in the queue”—two for sale and one for lease. We really wanted House #1 because it has a downstairs master bedroom. Every step I take going up those stairs sends pain through some part of my body. We made an offer on the house, hoping she wouldn’t counter too high for our budget. Meanwhile, we lost House #2 to someone else, and the owner of House #3 (the rental) has others interested, but she was “holding” it for us… for a little while. Houses #2 and 3 didn’t have downstairs bedrooms, but at this point we were anxious about having a place to move in 60 days.



So, yesterday afternoon—as we were trying to distract ourselves from our worries (and my husband’s post-op pain) by watching an exciting golf tournament on TV, the text came on my iPhone: the owner of House#1 had accepted our latest offer! We are closing on April 5… 10 days before we have to move out of our current house!

bought new houseImagine our joy and thankfulness as we received this news. It’s a lovely home right here in Harbor Town, close to the one we’re currently living in. Close to neighbors we’ve gotten to know and grown to love since we moved into the neighborhood two years ago.

So here we are again—on the other side of worry—asking ourselves what good it did to be so anxious. I guess it’s only human, but I know worrying never helps. It only sucks your energy and increases your emotional and physical pain. Maybe one day we’ll learn not to worry. And today, we’ll just be thankful.

