Easter is only 18 days away. Lots of us have childhood memories (or more recent ones) of this holiday that are memorable. So I’m holding a writing contest here on my blog:
and send it to me by April 16, and the winner will receive a free copy of Circling Faith: Southern Women on Spirituality.
I will publish the winning essay here on my blog on Good Friday—April 18. I may also publish a few runners-up. You will retain all rights to your work after it is published here.
Please limit your essays to 1000 words or less and send them as an attachment (.doc or .docx please) to me at [email protected].
If you’d like you may include one to two photos (also as attachments) and a short bio and author photo. Also send me a link to your blog or web site or Facebook page if you’d like those links included with your bio.
Whether your essay is spiritual, humorous, religious or secular, I’m looking forward to reading your stories!
Love that picture 🙂
ME, TOO! I WAS 2 and Mike was 3. Pretty cute, huh? I have a vague memory of him punching out that Bugs Bunny blow up rabbit:-)