Breaking News! The Shoe Burnin’ Anthology: Stories of Southern Soul is available for pre-order NOW!
This terrific collection of stories, essays and music from over twenty Southern authors and musicians will debut in NINE DAYS at the Louisiana Book Festival! It comes with a CD, making it a perfect Christmas gift for your friends who love good music and literature.
My essay, “Eat, Drink, Repeat: One Woman’s Three-Day Search for Everything,” is included in the anthology.

It’s edited by Joe Formichella and published by a brand spanking new independent press, River’s Edge Media in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Two of the singer-songwriters featured in the anthology are Gramy-winning husband and wife, Chuck Cannon and Lari White. Watch this video of them singing Chuck’s ACM song-of-the year winner, “I Love the Way You Love Me.”
Story-teller and singer-songwriter, Michael Reno Harrell is another contributor. Enjoy a taste of Michael’s talents here as he sings “Southern Suggestions”.
Grammy Award-winner, Rodney Crowell, has these fancy words to say about The Shoe Burnin’ Anthology:
Homicidal librarians, French twisted, stilletto’d and on the lam, flip flop shod Bessie Smith wannabe’s and cowboy booted, beauties out to prove that to get gone a woman doesn’t need fast footwear; good-ole-boys sporting Red Wing lace-up’s and an emergency medical trained aversion to Converse wearing co-ed’s pulling volunteer duty on a cat-4 tornado cleanup crew; guilt ridden bird-dog lover’s and holders onto of life’s half-forgotten keepsakes: all this and more from a coalition of wordsmiths, story-tellers and song-swappers whose whiskey whetted forebears first stumbled onto the notion that on a cold winter’s night in the deep south, it’s better to burn shoe leather than brave a trip to the woodpile.

So, what are you waiting for? Enjoy the video, meet the authors, ‘LIKE” our Facebook page, and PRE-ORDER the book now! Many thanks!
I ordered mine Monday!! Can’t wait to read and hear this. What fun!
Thanks so much, Emma!