To the Little White Church(es)
Today’s post is going to be a photo album of an unexpected drive I took this morning. I was expecting to drive from Moneroeville to Fairhope, Alabama, but I planned to follow my GPS’s instructions, which would have kept me on the main roads. Then a woman from Mobile who came to my reading at the Monroe County Library showed me a better way to go in order to avoid a delay due to road paving. Little did she know that she was giving me such a blessing. Oh, and my playlist for today’s post starts with Rodney Atkins’ “Take a Back Road.” Follow that up with Little Big Town’s “Little White Church.” And finally Alabama’s iconic “High Cotton.” (Click the links and enjoy the music while you look at the pictures, or watch the videos first and enjoy the photos after.)

It was just a joy to relax and not hurry. I left Monroeville in time to get to Fairhope to go shopping before my reading at Page & Palette book store. I still had time for a little shopping, but it was so much fun to stop and take pictures of all these “little white churches” along the back roads in LA (Lower Alabama). Read the captions for the names and sometimes the towns where the churches are. Enjoy!

Along the road I was surprised to find fields of “high cotton” in the middle of November!

Parting shot: this sign next to the mailboxes across the red dirt road from the old church building and the graveyard.
Beautiful churches, beautiful piece, beautiful peace.
Yes. The drive was so peaceful. Thankfully I wasn’t in a hurry. I rarely take my time like this when I’m traveling. What a blessing.
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful ❤️
Thanks, Mary. It was breath-taking in person.
Wonderful vignette about your trip on this sunny and cold day.
I was so lucky to have the blue skies and sunshine! Didn’t mind the cold at all.