Social Media Threads I’m Liking this Month
If you watch the Kelly Clarkson Show, you know that at the end of each episode she shows a social media post she especially “likes” . . . and tags them #WhatImLiking. So, here near the end of December, I’m going to share two people’s social media threads I’m especially liking.
Ellen Morris Prewitt’s Advent Posts
My Memphis writer friend Ellen Morris Prewitt has been posting wonderfully creative thoughts during this season of Advent, leading up to the celebration of Christmas in a few days. You can find her posts on Facebook. Here’s an excerpt from her message today, which is from The Message, a contemporary translation on the story in Luke 1:
Advent Sunday 4:
and Mary said:
I’m bursting with God-news;
I’m dancing the song of my Savior God.
God took one good look at me, and look what happened—
I’m the most fortunate woman on earth!
What God has done for me will never be forgotten,
the God whose very name is holy, set apart from all others.And here’s another, in Ellen’s own words:
Advent Day 11: We waited at the doctor’s office. The internet went down at the Pac-n-Mail, and we waited for it to return. We waited at the red lights, in the grocery check-out line, for the elevator to arrive and take us home. Interspersed with the waiting was a whole lot of doing. Maybe waiting is an essential part of doing.
Sonja Livingston’s #25daysofmary
Another writer friend who once taught creative writing at the University of Memphis, Sonja Livingston, has been doing daily posts with her sightings of Mary (mostly statues) that she found on her journey researching for her latest book, The Virgin of Prince Street. You can follow her posts, #25daysofmary, on Facebook. And read my review of her book here. Here’s a sample, from December 4, where she explains the project and invites others to participate (which I did most every day):

Day 4: Weathered Mary statuette in a holy well. Liscannor, Ireland. #25daysofmary
To commemorate my search for a missing statue of the Virgin Mary two Decembers ago and to celebrate publication of the book inspired by that search, I’m sharing 25 images of Mary (one per day in December) from my travels. Whether you’re Catholic or lapsed, some other religion or not religious at all, many find images of Mary to be a source of peace, beauty and comfort. Feel free to share your favorite images of Mary, hashtag them, or tag me!** — at St Bridget’s Well, Co Clare.
Christmas Travels
My husband and I are leaving tomorrow to spend Christmas with two of our children and our four grandchildren, as we usually do. But this year, our son’s family has moved from Denver to Scottsdale, so we’ll be splitting our time between Colorado and Arizona. I probably won’t be blogging while spending time with family, so I’ll wish you all a Merry Christmas now! And thanks, always, for reading!
Thank you, Susan, for sharing about my Advent posts (that one today was from The Message, the modern (?) translation of the Bible.) I’ve so enjoyed Sonja’s posts on Mary, which I’ve been following on IG. Safe travels to you and Merry Christmas <3
I’ve been off my computer for a week and just now seeing this comment . . . but I got your message a few days ago and corrected the info about “The Message.” Thanks!